An impromptu welcome back after my impromptu break! | December Side Notes

An impromptu welcome back after my impromptu break! | December Side Notes

Why yes, I totally did go away from the blogosphere for one whole freaking month without a warning after posting that November Side Notes.

Was I sorry? Of course! Even just a tiny bit.

Did I regret it? Definitely not.

I thought November would bring out all the busyness of the year. But nooo. December is definitely the busiest I’ve been this year. All the Christmas shopping, all the clearance running… All the graduation shenanigans. Sigh. But that’s the thing. I’m okay with all of it.


I’ve also taken advantage of this month-long impromptu break by catching up on emails and creating blog posts and do all other online responsibilities I’ve set aside because I wanted to focus on graduating. I haven’t ticked all my delayed to-do lists but that’s alright. I’m going at it slowly.

Anyway, on to the post!

Side Notes is a monthly wrap up where I share the interesting, and incredibly inspiring things I found during the month that I couldn’t fit in any post. Expect awesome recs, awesome books and awesome bloggers.

Also expect: fangirling (lots of it) and a glimpse into my life — the happy, the chaos and all.

interesting finds

In the Blogosphere

Key shared a very personal post about experiencing post-partum depression and it’s such an inspiring read.

ALJ put out the most awesome holiday gift guide for this year and — welp, not that you’ll need it. But in case you need to shop for super duper late holiday presents, they’re your gals.

If you’re up for some wholesome holiday read, Devinder posted the most wholesome Christmas post I’ve read this month where she shared the traditions she and her family have for the holidays.

Marie-Celine wrote this short but super on-point piece on comparisonitis and we could all go for a little reminder today.

Corrie wrote this timely piece on creating transformative New Year’s resolutions that you can carry through past January!

The Awesome Side of the Internet

Yes, yes. I know. The Internet can be a jerk sometimes. But it is also filled with authentic and incredibly inspiring human stories. I always believe it only takes one kind heart for other kindness to join in 🙂

This kid is a goth in training and I have mad respect.

Seven-year-old shows her friends her new prosthetic leg and if that doesn’t tug your heartstrings enough, see how they responded *heart eyes*

McDonald’s created an anime commercial and it’s super kawaii (cute).

This girl is signing to her deaf father at a rock concert and my heart is swelling from so much love.

recommendations of the month
“Sunflower” by Post Malone and Swae Lee

The best Sunflower song I have ever heard y’all.

It’s so good vibes-y and super upbeat. All throughout November to December, I listened to this repeatedly on commute while going to school. It is such a great way to start the day on a positive note! Go ahead and listen! Also, watch the new animated film Spider-man: Into the Spiderverse, which the song is a soundtrack to. Haven’t watched it myself but you can be sure I will!!!

Chocolate Soy Milk

In case you didn’t know, I don’t drink coffee. *shields self from any attacks*

I have never really liked the taste of coffee. Also, my mom prefers we drink milk every morning, if we could help it. I was extremely busy these past couple months. In effect, I had to sacrifice my sleep. Because I don’t drink coffee, I try to get my dose of caffeine in other ways. I tried pure cocoa but that was bitter as heck. And I tried getting from cola but that’s wayyy too unhealthy and certainly not good for my hyperacidic-prone stomach.

But then, I remember my friend once recommended chocolate soy milk.

So I tried that and YOOO. To my fellow rare non-coffee-drinkers out there. This is the healthy caffeine option we need y’all! I drink either the Vitasoy Chocolate Soy Milk or the Vitamilk Double Choco Shake (which is a local product, yay!!!). Both are extremely delicious and they give me that small boost of energy I need in the morning.

the little things

Little Victories – Kickass Stuff that Happened This Month

    • I FINALLY GRADUATED Y’ALL!!! Finally finished four years in Accounting huhu. I actually wrote a super long Instagram post about it (shameless self-promo) and if you followed me on there, let me know so I can follow you back!
    • Got six cartons of Dutchmill from my Secret Santa (another non-caffeine drink I absolutely enjoy) and that makes me super super happy.
    • I am now, once again, surrounded by my favorite fowl ever: CHICKENS!!! (I mean, the turkeys of my neighbors in Cebu were fun to watch but nothing could top chickens for me hehe)
    • Finally bought cactus soil and pebbles for Cactus’s babies. But I just found out you don’t want to transplant cacti on the fourth quarter of the year since it’s their dormant period so April transplanting it is!
    • Sent out 2 guest post pitches! This isn’t what I hoped to achieve but I’ll take it. (Side note: you can check out my guest post about why having a creative hobby is important on La Ivana here)

Little Detours – What Kicked My Ass This Month

(because we’re not perfect, and it’s good to share your awful moments)

  • I had a pre-graduating breakdown and that meant puffy eyes on graduation day, oomf
  • Still have zero posts on buffer and I’m still scared
  • I haven’t touched any book in weeks wow

Little Milestones – Things I Want to Achieve or Do Next Month

(because according to Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies, I am an Obliger and I need outside accountability to reach personal goals)

  • Finish three posts for the month and send out two guest post pitches
  • Read and comment on 14 blog posts every week
  • Update my resume (hnggg)

Last Month’s Self-Improvement Challenge

Be happy and stress-free. December was certainly stressful but the holiday vibes really got to me and I’m super happy.

  • Next Month’s Self-Improvement Challenge

    Try out one thing you haven’t tried before. I’m already thinking of trying out sushi for the first time but I need to ask a friend where the best sushi place in town is hehe.


    How was your December?? Do you drink coffee or not? What’s your favorite non-coffee beverage? Tell me all the things!!!

    xx Kate

    Photo from Ivory Mix

18 responses to “An impromptu welcome back after my impromptu break! | December Side Notes”

  1. Happy New Year Kateeee so good to hear the good moments of December but also how you’ve overcome any challenges you’ve faced x looking forward to reading the guest posts

  2. Thanks for the shoutout, Kate! Love your blog! 🙂 <3

    1. It was my pleasure, Corrie 🙂 Love your blog!

  3. Well done on graduating!!! WoooHoo!

    1. Ahhh thank you!!!

  4. Congrats on graduating! I majored in accounting as well.

    December was a little stressful. Lots of home improvement projects. No coffee for me I’m a tea drinker.

    Happy new year and I hope you have a great year.

    1. Ooh! I’m so glad to find a fellow accounting alumni here in the blogosphere 😀 I hope January brings in more fun and less stress for you, Louise 🙂 Happy new year and enjoy your day!

  5. This post made me so happy!! Thanks for the shoutout!! I love how you write. It’s so conversational. I was laughing and smiling! Congrats on graduating!! I am sure that is such a stress reliever. Happy to have you back but so glad you took that much needed break. Can’t wait to see what the new year brings you!!

    1. Aww Abby! Thank you so much! And yes, it really is such a stress reliever but I’m also kinda scared now, thinking about giving out resumes and looking for jobs. Ahhh yes! I’m so happy to be back. So excited to see what My Lifelines has in store for 2019 too! Have a great week!

  6. Lovely post, Kate! Congrats again on graduating! That is such an accomplishment and I’m SO SO happy for you! ❤️ And, I NEED to try chocolate soy milk! That honestly sounds amazing! 🙂

    1. Thank you Kelly! And yes, try it! It’s surprisingly delicious 🙂 I thought I wouldn’t like the taste of soy milk but I do!

  7. Congratulations on graduating Kate! I love love this post and sunflower by Posty and Swae lee is definitely a jam!!

    1. Thanks so much, Aisha! And yaaas I LOVE Sunflower soo much <3

  8. Congratulations on graduating Kate. I love how you write. It is so enjoyable to read, it is like I am having a conversation with you haha.

    1. Ohmigosh, thanks so much!!! I appreciate that so much 🙂

  9. Congratulations!!! Sometimes, you need to take a brake and refine what you were blogging for in the first place. I’m just glad you came back to blogging. Thanks for the life update!

    1. Thank you! And yes, 2018 was the year I clearly understood the importance of taking breaks. I’m glad to be back too 🙂

  10. CONGRATS ! I didn’t realize you were graduating! Again, I love these monthly roundups you do — super inspiring <3

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