Hello there. It’s been a while. Are there still people who visit this blog? Are there folks still reading this? To be honest, I don’t think those questions and their answers are that important. The important thing for me is: I’m still here, though definitely not as much as I should have been.
(more…)Feels Weird.docx – thoughts from two years ago
I briefly mentioned in my 2022 purchase ban that I already successfully did one specifically for art supplies a year back. Whilst going over my old files in my computer today, I found this draft, aptly named “Feels Weird.docx”, that I never finished about my feelings after that 2021 art supplies purchase ban. I don’t really want to finish it now, but the sentiments I held more than two years ago still ring true today. I also like how “unfinished” it is and that there’s no concrete conclusion at the end – because, even though I have resolved about certain things about my relationship with consumerism, that’s still how I feel in general. So here it is in its unedited glory:
(more…)A reflection on 2023
Hi there. It’s been a while. For those who aren’t new here, thanks for sticking around. I know I haven’t been around much this year.
(more…)Let’s talk Under the Oak Tree, numbers, and my reviews (with a little delusional spice added in)
In 2022, my blog had a total of 6,702 views. The highest it’s ever had in a year.
5,305 of those views are for my Under the Oak Tree review.
That’s about 79% of my total views for 2022.
What the fuck happened?
(more…)Fangirling Highlights 2022
I initially wrote an intro here, reflecting about my year. But as I wrote it, I found it made more sense to end the post on its note. So let’s get onto the list first:
(more…)6 Cozy Witchy Comics to read this Halloween
Like with Valentine’s Day, I don’t really have much care for Halloween as an occasion. But when I think of Halloween, I think of witches and cozy things. And if you’ve known me for a while, you will know that, for at least the past couple years now, I have a deep fascination with any kind of witch-themed media. Be it comics, movies, or games. Perhaps it’s because of how I fondly associate them with cottagecore and urban fantasy. Also, the witch-themed curated playlists on Youtube and Spotify are just the best for drawing or writing.
And so I thought, why not recommend some of my favorite cozy witch-related comics?
(more…)rapid fire reviews: all the new queer manga series I read and loved this Pride Month
I’m going to be completely honest here. I’ve written the intro for this post twelve times over and I’ve never been satisfied with any of it. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this month – some good, some bad – and it feels hard to summarize everything here so let’s just cut to the chase.
I just want to share all the great queer manga series that I read for the first time and enjoyed this month. Hopefully, dear reader, you will pick one (or three or all seven) of these titles up and enjoy them too.
(more…)Review: The Golden Forest (webtoon)
I’ve been in a slump when it comes to reading fantasy stories recently, especially epic fantasies. The kind that takes its root into your soul and carries you into a whole other world. Fantasy stories were the main reason I started loving reading, particularly fiction, at an early age. And so, it will always have a special place in my heart.
I’m so happy to find another fantasy world that’s so immersive, with characters so compelling, I think about the series constantly since I finished reading its most recent updates. Let’s jump in.