February was more chaotic than last month, wow. | Side Notes

February was more chaotic than last month, wow. | Side Notes

Yep. You read that right.

Remember when I said last month, I hope February was going to be kinder to me than January? February was like, “NOPE! Not gonna.”

On a more positive note, though! I have new graphics for Side Notes, whee! Figured it was about time. That old one was getting… well, old.

Side Notes is a monthly wrap up where I share the interesting, and incredibly inspiring things I found during the month that I couldn’t fit in any post. Expect awesome recs, awesome books and awesome bloggers.

Also expect: fangirling (lots of it) and a glimpse into my life — the happy, the chaos and all.

In the Blogosphere

Anne shared 7 gift ideas for those in a long-distance relationship. And I say, they’re all pretty wholesome enough for anyone in your life!

Brett talked about dealing with negative feelings and shared some awesome tips to do so healthily. Check it out!

In need of some self-care ideas? Jackie recommends doing something creative — like building a house on Sims! Read her post for 6 more awesome recs!

Lea talks about her life as a 28-year-old married woman with no kids. (Guess what question she always gets asked.)

Hafsa created a journaling party and it. Sounds. SUPER. AWESOME??? I want in so bad.

Is blogging dead? Ashlee thinks not. And I, as I write the draft for this on WordPress Classic Editor, so so agree.

Lauren talks about grief and how to cope with the loss of a loved one.

Apostolia shared habits to have a happy life and I’m taking notes.

Deze shares the 6 hard lessons she learned in her first two years as a married woman and it’s applicable to any relationships!

The Awesome Side of the Internet

The Internet can be a jerk sometimes, let’s all be real here. But it is also filled with authentic and incredibly inspiring human (and non-human) stories.

Someone made a music video out of Paint and it’s BRILLIANT.

You need to rewatch LoTR but with cats.

Someone’s gonna be a great lawyer someday. Case closed, y’all.

You know how last month my recommendations were both educational apps? Welp, today I’m recommending two of my recent fave series!


I’m going to put it out there: this is anime. And before you scroll further thinking, “Oh, that isn’t my cup of tea.” Hear me out first!

This anime series revolves around a young girl who knew nothing of life outside her military background. Now that the war is over, she has to learn what it is like to live outside the front lines of a battlefield. (Wow, someone hire me to make blurbs. I think that’s a fair, non-spoilery one.)

It’s a coming-of-age series, my favorite anime genre after fantasy and slice-of-life, and it is heartbreakingly beautiful. It may revolve around Violet Evergarden, the young girl I mentioned above, but it’s more than just her story. The entire series is jam-packed with stories about love and family and self-growth. Not to mention, the animation is just BREATHTAKING. And y’all I’m not just saying that because Kyoto Animation, my all-time fave anime studio, produced it.

You can watch Violet Evergarden on Netflix now. Please watch it. (And if you do or did, hit me an email or slide a DM wherever. I want to talk about this and none of my friends has watched it yet!!)


This is another series I recently got into that I think not a lot of people generally know. Like Violet Evergarden, you would only know about Heartstopper if you’re in the community. (The anime community in Violet Evergarden’s case, the book community in this one’s.)

Heartstopper is a webcomic written and illustrated by YA author Alice Oseman. It’s about two adorable soft bois being adorable together. An openly gay boy who overthinks for a living, and a soft-hearted guy who’s still figuring out his sexuality.

That’s it. That’s the pitch.

Now here’s the thing. I’ve read books my whole life. Consequently, I’ve read tons of books while on public transportation. But I’ve never — and I mean never — cried on public because of a book. Ever. This webcomic? It’s responsible for my first-ever public book tears. It is that good. You can read Heartstopper on Tumblr or in the Tapas app.

Little Victories – Kickass Stuff that Happened This Month

  • I landed my first ever full-time job, y’all!
  • I’m getting on top of my Twitter game, ey!
  • My sleep is now regular!!! (It really was the lack of a structured routine omg! Once I was working, I’m already asleep at 10pm and up by 5am the next day. Could still need a little tweaking as I want to spend a bit more hours on my blog… but I’ll take it!)

Little Detours – What Kicked My Ass This Month

(because we’re not perfect, and it’s good to share your awful moments)

  • My blog game and all other social media games are not as strong as the Twitter one. As you may have noticed, I decided to go on a hiatus halfway through the month.

Little Milestones – Things I Want to Achieve or Do Next Month

(because according to Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies, I am an Obliger and I need outside accountability to reach personal goals)

  • Make no bake cheesecake. ✘ I was on the verge of becoming broke so I’m doing a rain check on this one.
  • Get interviewed by 5 companies. ✘ This didn’t happen BUT! I landed my job on the only company I got interviewed so yay!
  • Finish writing and scheduling March’s posts. ✘ Still writing up March’s post. Oh well.
  • Create a routine around work
  • Set aside 5,000 php to savings (That’s about $100, give or take)
  • Write and schedule posts

Last Month’s Self-Improvement Challenge

Eat fruit once a day. This didn’t happen BUT!!! I am eating fruit every other day so that’s a good start.

Next Month’s Self-Improvement Challenge

Finish one book. If I said I didn’t have much time reading books on February, I’d be lying. I just chose not to read any books. Now, I want to just finish one book. If I could just finish reading one, I’m good.


How was your February? Was it awesome or did it suck so bad? Share to me everything!

xx Kate

Photo from Ivory Mix

16 responses to “February was more chaotic than last month, wow. | Side Notes”

  1. I live to read your side notes at the end of every month, yo!

    1. Aww thank you Lee! I live to see your video on the Creative Team group page too haha!

  2. My February was okay, more or less. OMG! You’ve watched Violet Evergarden?! I love that anime! You can always come to me to talk about it whenever we’re both free, Kate. <3

    I've also been trying to eat fruit more often at meals. My college's dining hall has fruits such as apples, bananas, grapes, and small pieces of cantaloupe available at every meal. I usually grab a small plate of cantaloupe and/or grapes during lunch or dinner.

    1. OMG OMG OMG. Zamaie. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT VIOLET EVERGARDEN. None of my friends have watched it yet and I’m DYING to talk about it while it’s still fresh in my mind!!

      I’m resorting to fruit salad at the moment because that’s abundant in my house but I want to buy fresh apples and oranges soon 🙂

  3. Congratulations on the job Kate! That’s amazing news – I wish you all the best with it x

    1. Thank you,Alex! xx

  4. I always look forward to your Side Notes. <3 I can relate on how heavy February has been. It was dragging for me too! Nevertheless, congrats on your wins! Especially on the new job! Hooray!

    1. Aww thank you Jam! I enjoy writing them so I’m happy someone enjoys reading them too 🙂 Ugh, February was just — not the best. Hope your March is better tho!

  5. Hey Girl!!
    I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for The Mystery Blogger Award! I love what you do. You are so inspiring. Have a great week!!



    1. Hey Lana! Thanks so much for nominating me 🙂 Have a great week yourself!

  6. Love your goals Kate, I think they are all achievable!! This is my first time reading about your side notes and I think it is so cute how you put it all together and introduce other bloggers and their post 🙂 what a great way to advertise them haha! OMG LoTR cats version is so funny and amazing <33 My blogging game has been down since the New Year (it just feels weird cause I did blogmas so I literally was churning posts out day after day) but I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things! Thank you for sharing all of this!

    Geraldine | https://geraldinetalks.com

    1. Aww thank you Geraldine! I’m crossing my fingers I can achieve them 🙂 Side Notes is really just my personal indulgence to promote inspiring stuff I couldn’t put in a specific post haha! Gosh yes, cats can be in ANYTHING and I would literally find them funny. Yay for getting back from a slump!! <3

  7. I honestly love posts like these!!!

    TBH I’ve had Violet Evergarden on my list for a while!!! Need to watch it asap!
    Congrats on getting your full time job too <3

    1. Aww thank you Kiki! I enjoy writing my wrap ups too so I’m glad people enjoy reading them ehe 😀 You should defintely watch it! It’s super good but have a box or three of tissues when you do. You know… just in case 😉

  8. I’m an Obliger, too — reading The Four Tendencies really explained a lot about how my family functions!
    Have you had your piece of fruit today? 🙂

    1. Ohmigosh hi!! I know very few people who have read The Four Tendencies! I have an orange with me that I’ll snack on later 🙂

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