Tag: Mood board

Why You Need Mood Boards for Endless Inspiration

Why You Need Mood Boards for Endless Inspiration

Hey there! We’ve already established that this month’s Saturdays and probably even the February’s will have topics that will help you to kickstart your blog this year.

But I don’t want you to get overwhelmed with all the advice and tips like what usually happens to me when I binge-read blogging tips in Pinterest. (I mean seriously, I feel like my head spins afterwards.)

Which is why I will be publishing “side dish posts”, as I like to call them, every Wednesday. These are posts that won’t be entirely blog-related but hopefully they can also help, inspiration- and motivation-wise. 🙂

Because, you know. Wednesdays are for inspiration and motivational posts as I mentioned in my little about section in my sidebar over there >>>

So! Onto the topic: mood boards.

Why You Need Mood Boards for Endless Inspiration | Here are three reasons why you may want a mood board and how to create them. Bonus: free templates for making digital mood boards using Photoshop

You’ve probably heard about mood boards or maybe you even use them. But if you don’t know what they are, mood boards or (inspiration boards) are basically board collages containing pictures or illustrations that invoke a certain mood on you.

Mood boards can also be used to keep you inspired with so many things. I’ve listed three reasons why you may need mood boards:

+ It makes brainstorming for any creative project easier. Mood boards help in establishing the aesthetic feel of…well, anything. When I started revamping this blog, I made use of a digital mood board. It helped me in thinking of how I want my blog to feel and what colors look great together.

Because you all know how I obsess with colors, right?

And you can do this with whatever creative project you have like rearranging a room or your entire house, or revamping your blog. But you can also use it in other creative projects like writing. Authors can gather pictures that they find is related to their stories and have the mood board in their workspace.

+ It’s pretty to look. Hehe I can’t help it. I’m a visual person; I like colors and textures and anything pleasant-looking. Seeing lots of pretty images in one place inspires me. And I’m sure this inspires others too.

+ It gives never-ending inspiration. This is the main purpose of mood boards, before it became an important part in the design process. I mean, it’s literally called inspiration board.

There will come a point when you are totally burned out and you have neither determination nor inspiration to move you forward. And we all know burn outs of any kind are just exhausting.

Related: What to Do When You’re Having Blog Burn Out

That’s where a mood board can help.

Personally I like making mood boards with specific colors in mind. (See: color obsession) And so far I have a couple of digital mood boards but I’m planning on buying a cork board I can put on my wall to put inspiring images and colors.

You can put anything in your board, that’s the best part! Anything at all that gives off a certain mood can be placed there. That said, there are three ways to create a mood board. So I’ll go through each of them below and how to create them.

Physical board

Like I said, I planned on buying a cork board to use as my physical mood board. There’s just something different in inspirational things that are also tangible.

Image result for physical mood board

A cute mood board. Plus it can also be a cute wall decor! Creative, amirite? (source) Image taken from Web Designer Hub.

You don’t have to buy a cork board to have one, either! Maybe you have a space on the door of your closet or you can paste it on top of your desk. Be resourceful about it! Cut out or print the images you want to put in your mood board and there you go!

A great way to know when you have to change your physical mood board is if you stop noticing the images there because you’re used to seeing it all the time.


Pinterest, as we all know, is Internet’s very own collection of idea boards. I actually took the images for my digital board from Pinterest. You can create a secret board in Pinterest if you don’t want people to see it. I have my own secret board where I save that are in my blog’s color or has that certain feel that I want my blog to have.

Images I saved for my Digital Mood Board taken from Pinterest

Images I saved for my Digital Mood Board taken from Pinterest. Notice the abundance of food? XD

Digital Board

While digital boards lack in tangibility, it does make up by being portable. I made my digital board using Photoshop and have a copy of it in my laptop and my phone. I also keep .psd files in my laptop so that I can change the images whenever I want to. In fact, I have three templates you can use for free if you want to create a digital mood board. Just click the button below. 🙂

download the free templates

But you don’t need to have Photoshop, of course! You can create a simple collage with MS Paint or even with a photo app online like Canva or PicMonkey.

All The Trinkets Mood Board

My mood board for my blog + the colors I chose

There are plenty of ways to keep your creative juices flowing and spark up an inspiration. Having a mood board is just one of them. Whatever way you use, so long as you are inspired to do what you like every day, then do it!

Do you have mood boards? How do you keep your creative juices flowing? Share them in the comments below!

Have an inspired day, awesome peeps! <3