Hello there. It’s been a while. Are there still people who visit this blog? Are there folks still reading this? To be honest, I don’t think those questions and their answers are that important. The important thing for me is: I’m still here, though definitely not as much as I should have been.
(more…)Category: Life snippets
Feels Weird.docx – thoughts from two years ago
I briefly mentioned in my 2022 purchase ban that I already successfully did one specifically for art supplies a year back. Whilst going over my old files in my computer today, I found this draft, aptly named “Feels Weird.docx”, that I never finished about my feelings after that 2021 art supplies purchase ban. I don’t really want to finish it now, but the sentiments I held more than two years ago still ring true today. I also like how “unfinished” it is and that there’s no concrete conclusion at the end – because, even though I have resolved about certain things about my relationship with consumerism, that’s still how I feel in general. So here it is in its unedited glory:
(more…)A reflection on 2023
Hi there. It’s been a while. For those who aren’t new here, thanks for sticking around. I know I haven’t been around much this year.
(more…)Fangirling Highlights 2022
I initially wrote an intro here, reflecting about my year. But as I wrote it, I found it made more sense to end the post on its note. So let’s get onto the list first:
(more…)purchase ban
Hello hello! It’s the first day of June where I’m from which means my hobby purchase ban has officially taken place.
(more…)puzzles and simmering
“You’ll be next, Kate.”
My friend said happily as we gathered together, catching up over dinner. Just a minute ago, everyone was gushing over their happy announcement of finally being in a relationship. Now, the whole table’s attention shifted towards me. The only single person in our little group.
(more…)Fangirling Highlights 2021
I really went ahead and said “Posting in -ber months? NOT THIS YEAR.”
You could literally see last year’s recap posts in the main page of this blog akskskssk
I guess this is simply me not sharing my life online less. And not just that but also treating them like “content” less. “Optimizing” them less. Putting out stuff to be “relevant” less.
sharing things online
Almost five years ago, when I was happily discovering watercolors for the first time, a family member silently looked over my shoulder, glanced at what I was painting and asked a question I feel like anyone who have spent significant time on any hobby gets asked often:
“Why don’t you sell that?”
2020: A year in review
Don’t you think it’s funny how the start of the decade feels like a whole entire decade? (insert skull emoji)
And like many of you, boy am I Glad 2020 is done.
Still… it feels improper to bid the year adieu without a little review.
(more…)My recent thoughts about blogging
Scrolling through Reader, I came across an intriguing blog post from a blogger I looked up to my whole blogging life. It was about how the blogosphere had drastically changed from what it was 5, 10 years ago.