What To Do If You Accidentally Press The Send Button

We have an overcast sky here and the rain just stopped. It’s so cozy and I don’t want to do anything today. But I got this crazy idea for a blog post and it cannot wait a day more.

Has your thumb ever had its own consciousness and suddenly you pressed send in the middle of typing your replies?

I did. Many times. My thumbs are unreliable. One time, I was writing a blog post using my WordPress app but I accidentally pressed “Publish” instead of that gear icon. Not only that, it got published twice. What the heck is wrong with my thumbs? I had to delete both abominations of a published post and continue writing, grumbling at my thumbs while doing so.

The same goes when I’m commenting on a post and when I hit reply/send midway, I’m like

I want to show an example made by my good blogger friend and inspiring human being Kiya of Flawed Silence.


She didn’t just handle the embarrassing pressed-send-accidentally scenario really well but I could also relate to her a lot. Then a couple of days ago, I found a rather cheeky solution.

Basically, all you have to do is to disconnect your Internet connection while the WordPress app is loading the unfinished comment/post. That’s what I did the last time it happened (which was last Wednesday), it would say error and go back to being a draft. If this happens on your computer, just close the window as fast as you can. Better to start again, I always say.

There you go! This is a completely random and not-so-helpful post but yeah. 😅 

And if you can’t help it and it’s already out there, relax bro. Do what awesome Kiya did and coolly embrace your fingers’ clumsiness. There are far graver mistakes to make. So don’t worry, at the end of the day, you’re still alive. 😉

Happy typing, awesome peeps! 💃

6 responses to “What To Do If You Accidentally Press The Send Button”

  1. This is gonna save my life!

  2. this post is

  3. Wow I didn’t know that! This is gonna help me a lot in the future!! Thank you for this!! XD XD

  4. Hahaha XD XD And no problem!!

  5. honestly, i can deal with pressing send when you’re not finished with the message. what i cant deal with is PRESSING SEND AND SENDING THE MESSAGE TO THE WRONG PERSON. pls help me with that. haha /KM

    1. Aw man I know this! XD
      Okay wait, I guess you can either just accept it and be like, “Oh crap, that wasn’t for you sorry” or you blame your sibling or mom. That’s what I would do haha XD

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