One of the best things about the holiday season is the celebration, the gift-giving, and spreading love.
Also fun fact: did you know St. Nicholas (or Niklaus) was actually a 4th century bishop from what is now modern-day Turkey? He was known for giving gifts to children, among many other awesome deeds. There’s a very informative Twitter thread about this.
So onto the spirit of the historically accurate St. Nicholas, here is a list of some simple yet wholesomely good things you can do right now that have little to no cost:
- Compliment a stranger.
- Greet the guards and school janitors.
- Donate to a charity. For example: the rhinos will definitely appreciate your few bucks. Imagine a happy, healthy rhino. Save a rhino today.
- Gift a bookworm a book you’ve read. Or, even better, gift them a book on their wishlist.
Speaking of which, if you want to give a book to a marginalized teen, consider donating through Diverse Book Bridge.
Not everyone has public libraries with an amazing array of books, much less an easy access to a public library. So reading a book with a great rep that the teen can absolutely relate to would be an awesome gift 🙂
- Help someone cross the street.
- Hug a friend.
- Thank your parents.
- Thank everyone who has impacted your life in some way this year. And American friends, I get it. This is what Thanksgiving is for but, I mean. Nothing wrong with expressing gratitude one more time this year, yes? 🙂
- Tell your fam you love them.
- Buy someone a coffee. Like me. I would greatly appreciate it if you buy me a coffee <3
- Buy from a street vendor.
- Treat retail workers and waiters like the actual human beings that they are.
- Actually, treat any living thing like the actual live beings that they are. Translation: don’t be a jerk.
- Listen to a geek geek out.
- Be curious about someone else’s interests.
- Don’t skip the ads.
- Boost someone else’s project. Actually, boost anyone and everyone who needs more lovin’.
Here’s a quick list of awesome people and their projects that I want to boost:
<3 This video by Eden which sounds like a great idea we should all do every holiday.
<3 The Chameleon Project by anonora in which she will host a bunch of creatives in her blog next year.
<3 Maud of My Passion Projects whose blog I recently discovered and is a Super Awesome Blogger, no doubt about that.
<3 L.C. Fiore’s The Last Great American Magic, because it is an amazing read and must be read by everyone, in my opinion. Also, you can check out other novels by indie authors that I highly recommend here.
<3 Lia creating a database of publishers that send ARCs (or Advance Reading Copies*) to international reviewers.
Twitter help me out! I want to create a list/database of publishers that send ARCs to international reviewers, so if you're an international (non-US/UK) and have ever had a publisher sent you an ARC, please DM me or reply with contact details of that publisher!
— Lia (@lostinink_) December 6, 2017
- Do your online shopping using someone’s affiliate link.
- Use the correct pronouns.
- Respect someone saying no. Actually, just respect everyone. Again, don’t be a jerk.
- Reach out to friends you’ve gotten out of touch.
- Leave thoughtful comments on videos and posts.
- Share the content of your favorite creative.
- Credit a creative’s work. This one I want everyone, especially myself, to be more aware of from now on.
Whew. This was supposed to be a 300+ short but sweet listicle post but I kind of got carried away…? So yeah hehe 😀
My point here is this: it does not cost you much to give something to other people. And you don’t necessarily have to give money or other material things. Even the things you thought was trivial can be a huge deal to someone else.
And so this list is a reminder to everyone, including myself, of the good things you can do to anyone right this moment. Pick one—or three or more—and share the holiday love 🙂
How else can you do something nice to someone with little to no cost? Share them below!
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PS: If you like this post, here are other little things you can do to spread love this holiday season.
* edit: I first wrote “author review copies” like the pathetic potato that I am lolol