10+ Really Fun Things You Can Do Alone

So, hey. At the time of writing this, next week would be Valentine’s Day.

I’m sure some of you would be spending it with a special someone or with friends or the fam. But I’m also sure some of you will be like me, spending it alone. In my case, it’s just a typical day in the college life of Kate the Stressed Out College Girl. And I couldn’t care less about Valentine’s Day passing by uneventful.

I’m a 100% introvert. Seriously. I’ve taken the Myers-Brigg Test three times and my Introvert-ness is consistently 100%. Which is probably why it’s not shocking to me that I love my alone time.

But I realized not everyone is comfortable in their own company. I know a handful of people who feel so awkward being on their own, they seek refuge in social media.

I guess the problem is some people think of alone and lonely as the same thing.

Friends, they’re not.

10+ Really Fun Things You Can Do Alone

And to prove it, I have a list of things you can do alone and not feel lonely. Because 1) it’s been soooo long since I made a really simple list post and 2) I know plenty so explaining them one-by-one would give you a 583209-word post. That’s more or less trilogy-length. And you wouldn’t want to read something that long, now would you?

Anyhoo, enjoy! 🙂

  • Read your favorite book
  • Take a short hike
  • Photograph things – You don’t have to be an expert and you don’t even have to use a professional camera. Just take a picture of something with your phone or a point-and-shoot camera. Remember that the point here is to enjoy, okay?
  • Watch your favorite movie
  • Draw something – Again, don’t stress over how unrealistic your drawing may look. Just enjoy the creative process 🙂 Better yet…
  • Create something – Any small creative projects are healthy! Not only do they keep your creative juices active, but they’re also quite relaxing. Take your pick!
  • Do some stretching
  • Blast on some good vibe music – And might I suggest to my fellow millennials, Disney songs? 😉
  • DANCE – Whether you want to do it in public or in the comfort of your home is up to you hehe
  • Cook or bake something for yourself – And to my fellow culinary newbies, try something you’re confident you won’t burn
  • Start a journal
  • Go jogging
  • Play an instrument – And if like me, you don’t know any instrument, just belch out some notes with your very own vocal chords
  • Clean your room
  • Play a word puzzle or even try the Rubik’s Cube
  • Go to a (safe) public place like the park or mall or the beach and people watch – I’m telling you this is way more fun than it sounds.
  • Star gaze – Look for a place near you that’s perfect for it, I’m sure there is
  • Stay at home when everyone else is out – Enjoy the quiet. This is my favorite thing to do alone and I’m seldom alone at home so I savor every chance I get.

These are gathered from years of personal experience and I’m someone who’s comfortable in my own company. Still, what works for me may not work for you. But try out a few of these things. Or even think outside the box and do something else entirely! As long as you are enjoying yourself; that is the purpose of this post, anyway.

And also, you never know what you’ll enjoy doing alone unless you do try, yeah? 😉

How do you make time for yourself? What do you best like to do alone?

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PS: You might like to check out 13 ways to be inspired or learn how boredom boosts your creativity.


I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! Lonely and alone are NOT the same! Personally i dont get why people get so hung up on valentines day but i love your suggestions!x

Marioness says:

Great suggestions!

Kate says:

Thank you, Marioness!

I love every single thing on your list!!! I do all of these and that’s exactly why I like being alone most of the time. I enjoy it so much!!! xxx


Those are some great suggestions! I also thought I’d let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award, so if you choose to accept it you can read about it here: https://ihaveabadsenseofhumor.wordpress.com/2017/02/11/the-mystery-blogger-award/

Regina5000 says:

I loved this post!! XD I do a lot of those things at home when I’m alone!! XD Some people think being home alone is boring and they need to be out or just with other people, but having some Me Time can be just as amazing!!! XD
Again, great post!! XD

Regina5000 says:

Yay, glad you agree!! XD And thanks for listening to my thoughts!! XD XD

Just came over from the Be Mine blog party @ Scale It Simple and I was definitely interested!
This was a lovely idea and perfect for those alone and single on Valentine’s day!Reading a book is something I do anyways, but I also love to journal, watch movies, and crack puzzles. I’ve always wanted to stargaze but living in London, a very busy city, you can hardly ever see any.And photography… don’t get me started on how RUBBISH I am! I love to doodle and create though, so these ideas were great and wonderful, helpful reminder.

StephJ says:

This is my kind of post! I think this is great for anyone who struggles with finding things to do alone or with being alone. I for one love my alone time and find myself doing many of the things on your list. Like reading <3

Kate says:

I did write this with one of my best friends in mind, she’s exactly that type of girl. I too love my alone time a lot. Thanks for stopping by, Steph! ❤

StephJ says:

It was a great post!

Great post!! I have so much to do when I’m alone. I love alone time.

Great post, my happy pixel!! I love your ideas, I don’t have problems to stay on my own. Actually I love spending time alone. Usually I go to my favourite café with a book, or I ride my bike. Libraries are a great outdoors option, and art exhibitions. At home, I listen to music or I watch cycling.
I’m going to try the options of your list!! Thanks for sharing.

Kate says:

Hey there! Oh yeah, riding a bike and going out to cafés or art exhibitions are also great ideas for some quality alone time. Thank you for stopping by!

You’re welcome, my happy pixel!! I think we all should learn to spend quality time alone. I loved reading your suggestions!!

Great post! 🙂 I think a lot of people assume that time not spent interacting with someone else is boring, but there are so many fun and productive things we can accomplish while alone and not distracted. I love alone time and find it fantastic for writing and drawing. Thanks for sharing!

Traci York says:

Excellent suggestions! My personal fave is photographing things – any time I feel overwhelmed, or need a “me” break, I take my camera and head out to the yard. Hubby & kidlets know not to disturb me, and it’s a wonderful way to clear the cobwebs. 🙂

Kate says:

Hello Traci! Thank you so much for dropping by. I know exactly what you mean! I also love heading out to our yard and taking photos of the beauty of the mundane things 🙂 What do you usually take photos of? Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🙂

Traci York says:

Birds (especially crows) and the moon seem to show up in my lens most often. But usually anything I happen upon in my yard (butterflies, foxes, porcupines, flowers – you name it). You’re very welcome, and hope you’re having a great Monday!

I love this post! I found your blog on the blog party and am so glad I came to read! Looking forward to reading more!

Cheila says:

I love being alone and enjoy my own company. It’s great to be able to watch a movie by myself, read a book or do something fun of my choice. I don’t feel lonely very often and when I do, I’m usually around people.

Hey Kate 🙂 Love these ideas – I had to go back into school (it’s my holiday) to finish some coursework, finish my love blog post and went to Subway and Costa with some friends. It was very enjoyable 🙂 I hope you’re having the loveliest of Valentine’s Days <3

Thank you, it has been pretty good 🙂 <3 You're welcome, and I hope you enjoy!

Agreed. ^_^ There’s plenty of fun things to do by oneself. And yes, I did draw my display picture. 🙂

Thanks so much. I really appreciate it. 🙂 I have a recently started Deviantart page that has a little bit of work on it:
Do a lot of people post their drawings on Tumblr? I haven’t really explored that site before, but maybe I should check it out. 🙂

Kate says:

Oh cool! I’ll check it out later. I have an old Deviantart but I haven’t updated it yet. Many of the artists I look up to started on Tumblr. It’s apparently a great place for art. I plan on making one specifically to share my drawings 🙂

Oh, cool! That’s really good to know. I might just have to make one too. 🙂 I’d love to see your drawings too if you have them up anywhere. It’s always cool to see other people’s art styles and what sort of things they enjoy drawing.

Love this list!! Obviously I love the “read a book” suggestion! And the dance one- cos let’s face it everyone likes to dance like a crazy person when they’re on their own (or is that just me hehe 😉 )

Ok, I will! 🙂 You do the same if you make one too. I’m off to track down these drawings you speak of. 🙂

You’re welcome! hahahaa good!! Glad I’m not the only one!

[…] feature story or a novel or painting or listening to a podcast or even meditation! There are plenty of really fun things you can do alone. Things that are more meaningful than staring at your […]

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