8 Gorgeous Color Combinations I’m Loving Right Now

I don’t have any favorite colors. I like all colors equally. I believe that all colors are beautiful in their own little ways.

So once in a while, I’m gonna share with you guys the awesome color combinations I discovered and make a neat little list of them with pretty collages of pictures using these colors. This isn’t gonna be a regular feature, by the way. Just whenever I find a handful of gorgeous color combos. Okay? Okay! Let’s go!

But first, a disclaimer: None of the images I used in the collages below are mine and I will never claim them as mine. I found all of these via Pinterest and have made a board exclusively for this post. Please check out my Pinterest board if you want to know where I got them.
If any of the images below are yours and would like for me to take them down, please contact me through this page and I will do it as soon as possible. 🙂

Lagoon + Baby Pink

This is the more pastel-y version of my blog’s color scheme. (Also, notice how I used it in my headings and subheadings like with this post? 😉 ) I’ve been in love with this color pair ever since my blog revamp last year. Together, they create this light and fluffy feminine atmosphere and that’s exactly how I want my blog to feel. Also they kinda look like candies, right???

Cerulean + Mandarin

I wasn’t usually into dark and bold color combinations. And this color combination is super bold. I mean, look at those shades of blue and orange. They’re vivid and they contrast each other. But that somehow works because the orange pops against the blue. And I really really (really) like it when one of the color pair pops out and the other simply helps. It’s like a dance, don’t you think? 😀

Maroon + Gold

This is also a bold color combo but where the cerulean and mandarin has this heavy atmosphere, maroon and gold is more elegant. I mean, doesn’t that color combo remind you of royalty? It reminds me of that. Also GRYFFINDOR COLORS! (I mean, I’m a Ravenclaw. #AndProud. But still.)

Navy Blue + Rose


This is a color combo I would wear in a heartbeat. Because I really like how the feminine feel of the rose color balances out with the masculine-ish feel of navy blue. Also light and dark shades. They contrast.

Purple + Dandelion

If you’ve noticed, all of my collages above have some kind of food included in them. And, I’ve checked, the rest below have too. Only this collage doesn’t and I regret not looking for a purple ice cream or cake *sheds a tear*

Anyway. Purple and yellow are the secondary colors of my blog color scheme (as you probably notice their “secondary presence” in my design). I added them several months after choosing my main colors. I love this color pair because they’re bright. And their brightness keeps the airy feel of my teal + pink main color pair grounded.

Baby Blue + Lemon Yellow

I don’t know why but when I see this color combo, it reminds me of a super cute doll house. DOESN’T IT OR IS THAT JUST ME? Like lagoon and baby pink, it’s a light color combo but it looks a teeeeny tiny bit less feminine and more youthful. For me at least. This is definitely the kind of color combination I like to use for a youthful and happy illustration.

Tumbleweed + Mustard

Don’t you just love earthy tones for fall??? I do. I do a HECK lot.

Honestly, mustard was one of those colors that I find hard to like. It reminded me of… well, mustard. And I don’t like mustard. (I’m a ketchup kind of girl ok??) But I remember seeing someone mix mustard with a earthy colors like meadow green and tumbleweed and that’s when I realized it’s actually a pretty color!

Not to mention, one of my favorite artists, Taryn (aka @taryndraws) absolutely makes mustard and other earthy tones loveable every chance she gets.

Dusky Cedar + Olive

AHHHHH ever since I discovered dusky cedar last year, I have been in love with it! It’s one of those colors perfect for autumn and with olive green, it’s much much better! I really like pairing different shades of red with different shades of green. They’re just pretty to look at <3

I had so much fun making the collages for this and I loved looking at the variety of color combinations I have here.

Your turn: Do you have a favorite color? What color combinations are YOU loving right now? I’m on a personal hunt for pretty color combinations so share your faves below!

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18 responses to “8 Gorgeous Color Combinations I’m Loving Right Now”

  1. Love them all! So beautiful! But the lagoon and pink is one of my faves! Always love how original your posts are!

  2. The Lagoon + Baby Pink palette iS OMGSDFGHJKL I AM NOT OKAY SO BEAUTIFUL!! Same goes for the Baby Blue and Lemon Yellow one. LOVE ALL THE AESTHETICS.

      (lol I’m such a shallow human being that way but #AESTHETICS)

  3. I adore the navy blue and rose one! Sooo pretty xx

    1. Ohmigosh I dunno how the heck I haven’t seen this comment ahhhh I’m so sorry!
      But yeah! I love the navy blue and rose one too! 😀

      1. aha that’s okay! I missed comments from over a year ago and replied to them very, very late 😛

  4. Yeah! I love how origianl and creative your blog posts are! Keep it up girl!

  5. Ooh, love these color combos you picked, especially the maroon and gold. 😀

    1. Thanks! It is an elegant pair, isn’t it? 😀 Reminds me so much of Gryffindor XD

      1. Haha definitely! 😛

  6. Great idea for the post, I really can’t pick a favourite- they’re all amazing! Such a well- written post! .X.x.

    1. Awww thank you so much! They are all amazing and I love seeing them all around me too 😀

  7. I love how you’re sharing colour combinations instead of just colours!! Really creative, beautiful post. So glad I stumbled across your blog x
    Abby – http://www.seafoaming.com

  8. OMG THESE ARE SO CUTE! I love mint green and baby pink together and then navy blue and grey. The collages you made are stunning!

  9. I feel like reading this post and looking at those colour combos really just calmed down my life for a sec

  10. Exactly 😛 Thought it might make you feel better

  11. Ahjddjvabdjhdvdbzjjxabzxkirbzjc I loooooooooove alllllll offf theeeem. I’m fangirlng over colors!!!!!!! I especially love the first one!!!! Ahhh beautiful!

  12. No problem! Now we just need a winter combo! haha any ideas?
    ~Raff x

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