Hey there, guys! 🙋 Today’s the 4th day of 2016 (and yes, we’re still at that point in the year where knowing the 4th or the 20th day is still easily countable) and this is my first post of the year. Also, this is the first book that I’ve finished and will be reviewing for the year. It’s starting out to be a good year, book reviews-wise, in this blog but this also resulted to the first book-related bawling of the year. Good job, Patrick Ness.
Anyway, I’ll do my best in posting other topics in this blog like Art Appreciation, which is apparently the most viewed topic of 2015 according to my 2015 Year in Review (though, that’s probably because it’s the topic I share to other social media sites more often). I actually have blog posts in mind already (way from last year) but they’re just that right now–mental notes, rough drafts of the mind. So on to that later on, here’s my review of The Knife of Never Letting Go.

Only one month more and it will be Todd Hewitt’s thirteenth birthday. The day he will become a man, as dictated by the law of Prentisstown. They are all that’s left of the settlers who arrived in New World twenty years ago with the hope for a better life. And now, after a deadly war between race that killed the entire female population, and living in a world where one’s thoughts, one’s Noise, is heard by everyone, the men of Prentisstown, and the boy Todd Hewitt, are left off to fend for themselves. That is, until Todd finds a hole in the Noise. A quiet lurking in the swamp at the edge of Prentisstown. And then everything he knew and was told about changes.
I always had this thought that, after Hunger Games, YA dystopian literature will gradually come down from its celebrated hype. Suzanne Collins certainly created a benchmark of that genre that seemed almost entirely unreachable. So many YA dystopian novels were greatly compared to the Hunger Games Trilogy. Admittedly, some books almost leveled with the glory and wonders of Katniss’s story. And, personally, none have passed it. Until this.
The Knife of Never Letting Go was more than just a wonderful read. It was a breakthrough and a reminder of what YA dystopian novels could bring to the table that is literature.
The plotline was strong with the basic foundations of a YA dystopian novel–note: basic foundations, and not tropes–down pat. The beginning was slightly murky, as one tries to adapt into Todd’s world, the middle was a long excrutating torture filled with segmented thrills that are always followed by silent breathing rooms of scenes, and the end was hair-pullingly, head-scratchingly, throat-sore-from-yelling-frustratingly-ly…annoying. I swear, I was just annoyed.
Because I wanted to know what would happen next. It wasn’t wrapped up neatly but then that’s part of its appeal–it makes people want to know more. (And thank god, the trilogy is finished so I don’t have to wait for a freaking year for the next installment *glares at Uncle Rick*) The world-building was one of the best that I’ve seen, easily being at par to that of James Cameron’s Avatar and the world of Capitol and the thirteen districts.
The character development was splendid. Todd Hewitt was a great hero who served as an absolutely engaging narrative with a point-of-view you would want to be in. Viola Eade is easily comparable to Annabeth Chase and Hermione Granger for her composure and cleverness. But she instilled a personality that is entirely her own. And the bond and chemistry that they both have created–in the midst of the challenges they’ve faced–was simply believable and strong.
But beyond that is…*voice croaking* beyond that is *clears throat* Manchee.
Remember what I said above about how reading this book resulted to the first book-related bawling of the year? Yep, it was because of Manchee. I won’t say more for the benefit (or the sorrow I so wanted to witness) of the ones who haven’t read this series yet. Just know that Manchee was the best dog ever. And if I’ll ever get over my fear of dogs and own a pup, I’ll name him Manchee. Also to Patrick Ness: *flips the bird* You broke my heart and I am not even in love with you.
Overall, The Knife of Never Letting Go was a wonderful opening novel to a greatly anticipated series. This novel brought me hope to YA dystopian genre and is now officially a fan of Patrick Ness’s works. And I’ve got the entire Chaos Walking Trilogy bundle so you’re sure that I’ll be reading the entire series. I’m actually currently reading The Ask and The Answer, the second installment of the series…and it’s getting good. So good that I’ll probably post a picture of me and my future bald spot in my review of it.